An amazing group of volunteers making a historic impact.

Alliance Logo With Apple

You probably know our Apple Store - your source for the best hand-dipped caramel apples in Indy since 1985. But do you know much about the Conner Prairie Alliance—the women who run the store every September and October, and what we do for the rest of the year?

Alliance members (which include lawyers, concert musicians, and costumers to name a few), informally provide each other with invaluable support and professional contacts. As an Alliance member, you'll have year-round opportunities to connect and engage with other women in Indianapolis who share a passion for Conner Prairie. Membership benefits include:

  • Behind-the-scenes tours and educational programs designed especially for the Alliance.
  • Participation in focus groups and special conversations with the Conner Prairie president and CEO, and other senior museum directors.
  • Professional development through committee work and collaboration with talented museum staff.
  • Fun and friendship through working our shifts in The Apple Store, socials, and participation in sub-groups like our Baker's Dozen cooking group and monthly book club.

The Conner Prairie Alliance has a rich history dating from 1982 when it began as a small offshoot of the Junior League of Indianapolis. Since then, the Alliance has worked to raise funds totaling over $1.7 million to support Conner Prairie, and is recognized (and celebrated) for their hard work and valued funds generated for the museum. Alliance members are engaged throughout the year with Apple Store planning, as well as with educational and social events.

Supporting Conner Prairie's mission.

The Apple Store is our primary fundraiser with proceeds supporting the mission and programs of Conner Prairie. For two months a year, our Alliance team is busy selling all things apple, including our famous caramel-dipped apples. In 2022, volunteers dipped and sold over 18,000 caramel apples and served 14,864 people in a 6 week period! This seasonal treasure is managed by Alliance volunteers from September through October.

From apple butter to maple cream, from Gluten-free to vegan goods, the Apple Store has a little something for everyone, including home decor, handmade soaps, candies, cards, and crafts. The Apple Store even offers special-order gourmet caramel apples upon request.

Alliance members

Our Alliance is strong and growing stronger.

Join our team of creative, energetic, fun women in supporting Conner Prairie! Membership is open to all women who support the mission of the Alliance and Conner Prairie.

Read more about being a Conner Prairie Alliance member on our blog!

Alliance members

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Conner Prairie Alliance Special Interest Groups

Baker's Dozen
A group of Alliance members meets monthly to share good food, exchange recipes and enjoy each other's company. Members have shared recipes for appetizers, Thanksgiving sides, desserts, casseroles, cookies, recipes featuring apples and many delicious treats.

Prairie Page Turners
Another group of Alliance members meets each month to discuss books they have read. They read a variety of books, from "oldies but goodies" to the latest best sellers. The conversation is always stimulating!

Nifty Needlers
The members of this interest group share a love for fiber art, in all its myriad forms. Members enjoy quilting, cross stitching, knitting crochet, machine embroidery and garment construction. Some months find the members busily engaged in their respective form of needlework, while other months feature work on joint projects.

Where's Lunch?
Each month finds these members at a different restaurant, diner, bistro, or anywhere a great lunch can be found. New restaurants and old favorites host members enjoying a delicious repast.

Touring the Town
Members of this group travel across the state, touring historic sites and other places of particular interest. Their travels have provided unforgettable experiences for these intrepid explorers.

Dining on A Dime… or Two
This interest group meets in the evening to explore restaurants and other dining establishments serving evening appetizers and meals. Many of the members work during the day, and this provides an opportunity for these members to gather with friends and family members.

Prairie Hikers
Join the members of this interest group as they explore the geography of Indiana and beyond. Some members are experienced hikers, while others enjoy a leisurely ramble through the grounds of Conner Prairie.

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