Museum Experience Center Transformation FAQs

Q: What will be included in the new Museum Experience Center?

A: The Prairie Pathways Campaign will provide funding for a renovation of the current Welcome Center to become a true Museum Experience Center. We will increase our experience areas from two to six, which will include rotating exhibitions, inclusive storytelling, an immersive play space, hands-on learning and play, and evolving HiSTEAMic (History, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Agriculture, and Mathematics) content to inspire learning and curiosity. We will create spaces with the right environment to provide access to historic artifacts either from our own collection or from the Smithsonian. With our visitors in mind, we will enhance how visitors enter the Museum and how they access the grounds.

Q: When will the existing Welcome Center close?

A: Experiences inside the Museum Experience Center will be closed beginning November 27, 2023, as the building is prepared for construction. The Museum Experience Center will continue to be used for special events, ticketing and membership sales, and as an entrance for A Merry Prairie Holiday through the end of 2023. The entire building will close beginning February 5, 2024, and is expected to be complete in late 2025.

Q: What benefits will I receive with a Conner Prairie membership while the Welcome Center is closed?

A: Conner Prairie members will enjoy the same year-round benefits and perks, including free Headless Horseman festival tickets and discounts to all other festivals like A Merry Prairie Holiday, discounts to Adventure Camp, and much more. Learn more about member benefits HERE.

Q: How is the transformation of the Museum Experience Center funded?

A: The Museum Experience Center is funded by private philanthropic donations through the Prairie Pathways Campaign. To date, more than $40 million has been raised to support the construction of the Museum Experience Center, the museum’s newest exhibit, Promised Land as Proving Ground, and the Trails at Conner Prairie. Promised Land as Proving Ground's final phase is set for the spring of 2024 and the Trails at Conner Prairie are set to open to the public in the spring of 2024.

Q: How can I stay informed about updates at Conner Prairie?

A: Construction milestones and exciting new announcements about the new Museum Experience Center will be shared with the public through Prairie Post emails. Subscribe today to stay informed!