Explore the world of historic trades at Conner Prairie’s daily Make and Take stations.
Stop by our Make and Take stations to enjoy short session craft activities. Have fun making many different types of crafts and activities like carpentry, candle making, jewelry making, cooking, and much more. All tools and materials are included.
Price: $5
No reservations required.
Ages vary depending on the activity.
Ages 4+
Bead Bracelet
Learn how beads were an important part of the fur trade. Choose from a variety of authentically styled beads as you piece together an attractive bracelet to take home.
Candle Dipping
Guests will experience what it took to make candles for lighting. Guests will have the opportunity to hand-dip a beeswax candle to take home.
Daily September 1-November 1, 30 minute sessions, 3-4:30 p.m.
Basket Weaving
Learn simple basket-making skills as you weave a small reed basket at the Loom House. We'll show you how to use wet reed, scissors, and learn basic weaving technique to build a simple basket from start to finish.
McClure Tool Tote
Work with the Woodwright in Prairietown to make a small tool tote without any nails. Using pre-made pieces, we'll show you how to use a mallet and wood biscuits to build your tool tote.
Ages 6+
Circuit Bugs
Learn some of the the basics of electrical circuitry by creating your very own, unique Circuit Bug. We'll take you step by step, and explain basic properties of electricity as we build these cute little light up "insects".
Cocoa and Canvas
Come to Craft Corner for a guided painting class with one of our talented staff. Take home a wonderful winter-themed painting. If you come all 4 weekends, the paintings can be put together to create a winter landscape but one a single picture will look perfect on it’s own. Please note, Cocoa and Canvas is $10 due to higher cost of supplies.
Saturdays and Sundays, December @ 2 p.m.
Ages 8+
Wooden Car
Use traditional woodworking tools like a brace and bit, saw and rasp, to construct a simple wooden car that is fun to make and play with. Ages 8-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
What’s a cracknel? It’s a thin cookie with a special ingredient – caraway seeds! Help to mix, roll, and cut out the dough. Bake them in a tin oven in front of the fire, and then experience a flavor from the past. Ages 8-15 must be accompanied by and adult.
Copper Bracelets
Find out about humanity’s ancient connection to copper working as you use simple tools to hammer form and texture a simple copper bracelet. Ages 10-16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Pewter Pendant
Discover the fascinating art of metal casting! Select from a variety of pendant designs and make your own wearable creation. Ages 8-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Ages 10+
Soft Cheese
Make some cheese! It’s easy! Visit the Conner house to help make a batch of soft cheese to take home. We will use cow’s milk, lemon juice, and heat from the hearth to make soft, spreadable cheese. Spaces are limited to 12 participants. Ages 10-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
July 27 & 28 @ 1 p.m.
Ages 14+
Wooden Treasure Box
Learn basic carpentry as you make a Wooden Treasure Box. Guests will use wood plane, drill, and hammer to build a wooden treasure box from start to finish.
Daily, July 30-September 29 @ 10:30 a.m. (One hour sessions start at 10:30 a.m., with the last session beginning 3:30 p.m.)
Guests will learn how a Civil War rifled musket was loaded and fired, according to military protocol. Guests will then be able to fire either a Springfield or Enfield rifle, under close professional supervision. No live ammunition will be used.
Daily, May 26-August 25 @ 2:30 p.m.