Frequently Asked Questions

When does the maze open?
The maze opens Saturday, September 30 and it will remain open during regular operating hours through October 31.  It will also remain open during each night of Headless Horseman.

How much does it cost?
Nonmember: $5
Member: $4
Youth under 2: Free

Museum admission or school tour admission must be purchased to access the corn maze.

It is an included activity during Headless Horseman.

How big is the maze?

  • Including the cutout areas, there are 25,650 feet of paths
  • Total Acreage within the field equals 13.6 acres
  • Letters ranged from 40-75 feet tall
  • Diameter of the crop circle is 313-feet wide or essentially the length of a football field
  • Spaceships are 100-feet wide and 61-feet tall
  • You could fit more than 16,000 pumpkins that are 12-inches in diameter inside the headless horseman
  • If an alien was 3-feet tall, you could fit 3,528 inside the spaceship

How wide will the paths inside be?
Approximately 5-feet.

Where is the maze located?
The main maze entrance is located just behind the Symphony Bowl. Guests will access the maze by walking down the paved path toward the Symphony Stage, then turn left on the road behind the stage. The ticket booth and maze entrances are behind the stage. During daytime operation, guests will check in and purchase tickets at the Corn Maze Ticket Booth.

Who designed and created the maze?
In an ongoing mystery, the maze appeared to be cut when staff arrived one morning. Luckily, the museum name and anniversary were featured in the design, but how this was done is still unknown!

When did planting start?
Corn was planted in early May, and the maze was cut July.

What will the shape of the maze be?
The corn maze design for 2023 came about mysteriously. It features text calling out the 40th anniversary of the Headless Horseman festival as well as the Conner Prairie name. Other features are geometric and appear...alien in nature.

Will there still be a “long” version and a “short” version?
There are THREE paths inside the overall design for 2023:

  • A short maze that is designed to take, on average, 20-30 minutes.
  • A longer maze that is designed to take, on average, an hour or more.*
  • A third path, known as The Trail of Terror is only open during the Headless Horseman festival nights. This trail invites guests to explore the strange occurrences that have been happening around this field as a news crew investigates some conspiracies and gets more than they bargained for in return! The Trail of Terror is recommended for ages 8 and up who dare to be scared!


A map of the maze can be downloaded to a mobile device prior to entry, and there are checkpoints if you need a hint along the way.

Will all of the maze be haunted?
No, only the Trail of Terror is haunted, and is open only during Headless Horseman nights.

Will there be any “help” inside to help navigate people through?
Conner Prairie staff members will be present to patrol the maze and assist guests in need. Additionally, the provided map has checkpoints to assist guests in navigation.  If a guest feels truly lost, they should locate a checkpoint and call the helpline.  The guest can then remain at that checkpoint for a staff member to find them and help them navigate their way out.

Will the maze be lit?
The long and short mazes are not actively lit. The long maze will close one hour before sundown to allow for safe navigation. The Trail of Terror features special effects lighting, fog effects, and strobe lights.

What time will the maze close down during Headless Horseman nights?

The small maze will be open for entry until 9:30 p.m. to allow time to navigate.

The large maze will be closed to new entrants at sundown.

The Trail of Terror will be open until 10 p.m. Guests who are in line by 10 p.m. will be able to enter and navigate the trail before the festival closes for the evening.

Is the maze handicap/stroller accessible?
The terrain of the maze path is very bumpy, and could be muddy; therefore, wheelchairs and strollers are not advised.

Are there restrooms inside the maze?
There will be portable restrooms available near the ticket booth. We strongly encourage guests to use them BEFORE entering any of the mazes.