Frequently Asked Questions

Where will Preschool on the Prairie classes meet?
Our school meets outside on the grounds of the preschool property, located on the north side of Conner Prairie. On extremely cold or stormy days, we use our brick building. Our grounds have a separate entrance from Conner Prairie with a circle drive for drop-off and pick-up.

How will signing in/out be handled?
This will be a formal system in which we check IDs. Only approved people from a child’s registration paperwork, with proper identification, will be allowed to pick a child up from the preschool.

Do students need to be potty-trained to attend?
Students do not need to be potty-trained to attend Preschool on the Prairie. However, we will not have changing tables. We welcome children to wear pull ups and/or bring extra clothing. We will assist children with building independence in the restroom and hope parents will work on those skills at home as well.

Are students required to have the minimum immunizations required by the state to attend?
Yes. Students must have the minimum immunizations required by the state of Indiana to attend public school. This includes: 3 Hep B, 4 DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis) 3 Polio, 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella), and 1 Varicella. WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY TYPE OF VOUCHER FOR IMMUNIZATIONS.

What is the withdrawal policy?
We require a sixty-day written notification of your intent to withdraw your child from the program in order to receive a full refund of the tuition deposit. Conner Prairie reserves the right to retain all or part of the tuition deposit for withdrawal notifications that take place in less than 60 days. The $50 registration fee and $125 annual supply fee are non-refundable.

How will security be handled?
Entry to the preschool is only available for parents and designated caregivers with proper identification during drop off and pick up. The preschool is not open to the public. Museum guests are not permitted in the area near the preschool. Museum security and operations staff monitor the grounds on a regular basis.

What is the behavior/discipline policy?
We believe behavior is communication of a need. In order to best serve students, we must uncover what a child is saying to us through each behavior. We will use redirection and restorative practices, always communicating with parents when concerning behaviors are displayed. We will work together to assist children to find safe and kind alternatives for emerging social behaviors. In the event a child is injured as the result of a behavior, a meeting will be held with both families to make a plan moving forward. We will not allow anyone to harm your child.

Do you welcome students with special needs?
We strive to be an inclusive environment for all learners. Our philosophy values the fascinating elements of every student and every family. The teacher/s are equipped with the skills to provide modifications and accommodations as requested by parents or as written in an IFSP or IEP. Unfortunately, at this time, our preschool facility is not wheelchair accessible.

How will parents be involved in the preschool?
While we are not a co-op, families are invited to attend several specially planned event nights at our school throughout the school year. We want children to gain independence in an environment away from home. Our short mornings and low student to child ratios allow parents and caregivers a few brief hours to run errands and spend time with other siblings. With our system of observation and documentation, we will have a multitude of information and pictures to share with parents every week, both electronically and in person. We will also have monthly and seasonal events throughout the school year for families to attend and experience Preschool on the Prairie together.