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Conner Prairie Alliance focuses on the work of Becky Brammer

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What do you do when your last child leaves for college and takes with her one of your major volunteer opportunities? That was the question facing Rebecca (Becky) Brammer in the fall of 2010. Becky had spent a portion of her “free” time actively supporting her daughter’s high school marching band. Knowing that commitment was ending, she began to research other organizations where she could make a difference in her community.

How did Becky become an important member of the Conner Prairie Alliance?

Becky was already a member of St. Margaret’s Guild and had worked on The Decorators’ Show House with Kathleen House (also a member of Conner Prairie Alliance). Kathleen suggested the Alliance might be just the thing to fill the void in Becky’s volunteer efforts and it turned out to be a great fit!

Becky has contributed to the Alliance’s success by wearing many different “hats” in her time as a member, most notable have been the years she spent as Apple Store chairperson and Alliance President. She credits her time in these positions as a remarkable education in the inner workings of Conner Prairie and the ways the Museum and the Alliance work closely together to achieve goals that make both organizations stronger.

Hand-dipped caramel apples

About the Author

The friendships Becky Brammer has developed and deepened through our interest groups. Sharing meals and social gatherings has strengthened her knowledge of our members and that has led to more meaningful relationships. Becky grew up in Terre Haute Indiana and graduated from Indiana State with a degree in Interior Design. She and her husband Jay have been married for 42 years and have four daughters and six grandchildren. Her passions include decorating her home (and the homes of her children when asked) and travel.