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2021 International Heritage Breeds Week at Conner Prairie

Tunis Sheep

International Heritage Breeds Week: May 16th – 22nd

International Heritage Breeds Week is upon us (May 16th-22nd) and I know the Agriculture (Ag) staff and I are excited about all of the extra programs we have developed to allow our guests to dive deeper into our heritage breeds at Conner Prairie. This week, we invite you to come listen to fun animal-themed books during story time each day at 10:30 AM, to vote for the Mayor of Animal Encounters, and watch as the wool from the sheep is spun and woven into a scarf. Each day we will be highlighting a different species in our heritage breeds program.

Meet some new chicks in the Conner Barn

Thursday, May 20th

On Thursday, May 20th, come to the Conner Barn at 2 P.M. to learn about the different types of chickens, discover how chicks develop in an egg, and maybe get to see some new chicks!

Friday, May 21st

Friday, May 21st, at 11 A.M., come to the Campbell Barn to meet our new oxen in training, a team of Randall Lineback steers. Hear about all the work it takes to train a team of oxen and discover how oxen would have been vitally important to the citizens of Prairietown.

Emily Nyman with our oxen in training
English Longhorns

Later in the day at 2 P.M. at the Conner Barn, the Ag staff will be discussing the science behind the preservation of many of the heritage breeds we have on property. There is a lot of science and technology that goes into preserving these rare animals!

Saturday, May 22nd

Saturday, May 22nd, at 11:30 A.M. come watch how goat milk soap is made. If you want to try your hand at making goat milk soap and take your own soap bar home, there is a class later in the day at 2 P.M. just for you!  Make sure to pre-register online here. You can also visit the Campbell Barn to meet different breeds of goats and learn about what makes each breed unique!

Goat kid in Conner Prairie barn

In addition to all of the events listed above, we have lots of other exciting activities planned throughout the week. We hope you’ll come celebrate Heritage Breeds Week with us! Participate in exciting activities, watch fascinating demonstrations, learn about Conner Prairie’s efforts to preserve heritage breeds, and discover what makes these rare animals so special. We hope to see you there!

Emily Nyman, who began at Conner Prairie as a youth volunteer now serves full time on our Ag Staff.

About the Author

Emily Nyman started at Conner prairie in 2013 as a youth volunteer and by the end of the season joined the Youth Agriculture Captains (YAC). She donated over 2300 hours in her short time as a volunteer and joined our staff in 2016, and by 2017 joined our full time AG staff.

Emily is passionate about the preservation of rare breeds and is currently the Vice President of the Arapawa Goat Breeders Association. When not working at Conner Prairie she can be found doing photography or working on her Graphic Design degree.