Our Mission is to leverage this unique historic place that inspires curiosity and fosters learning for everyone.
Our vision is to expand the boundaries of our historical and natural resources by exploring, celebrating, and improving the human experience. Through a heart for the past, a head for the present, and an eye to the future, our doors are always open to a diversity of voices and limitless experiences.

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Programs & Events
Historic Chocolate Tart Recipe
This Valentine’s Day, try your hand at a historic Chocolate Tart recipe! The following recipe is a modern take on a historic recipe published in Hannah Glasse’s The Complete Confectioner…
Historic Chocolate Tart Recipe
This Valentine’s Day, try your hand at a historic Chocolate Tart recipe! The following recipe is a modern take on a historic recipe published in Hannah Glasse’s The Complete Confectioner…
Black History Month
As a Smithsonian Affiliate, we join in celebrating Black History Month throughout February by exploring and illuminating inspiration through Black voices. Learn more about Indiana's history makers and what's being done across the nation with regard to community building and activism.